Book- . Under-Served: Health Determinants of Indigenous, Inner-City, and Migrant Populations in Canada

Image result for . Under-Served: Health Determinants of Indigenous, Inner-City, and Migrant Populations in CanadaIn this edited collection, academics, heath care professionals, and policy-makers examine the historical, political, and social factors that influence the health and health care of Indigenous, inner-city, and migrant populations in Canada. This crucial text broadens traditional determinants of health—social, economic, environmental, and behavioural elements—to include factors like family and community, government policies, mental health and addiction, disease, homelessness and housing, racism, youth, and LGBTQ that heavily influence these under-served populations. With contributions from leading scholars including Dennis Raphael, this book addresses the need for systemic change both in and outside of the Canadian health care system and will engage students in health studies, nursing, and social work in crucial topics like health promotion, social inequality, and community health.

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